Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Blood cancer: What is Blood Cancer and Blood Cancer Symptoms ?

Blood Cancer and Blood Cancer Symptoms

What is Blood Cancer?

Cancer can attack any organic system of the human body. Blood cancer can cause many different signsand symptoms. Some are very common across all blood cancers, others are more characteristic of particular type of blood cancer.
There is different type of blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).

Blood cancer Common Symptoms

You Can Also Read: Signs and Symptoms of Cancer

Unexplained weight loss
    Feeling week or breathless
     Frequent and repeated infections
    Enlarged lymph nodes

    Easily bruise or bleed
    Bone Pain(ribs/back)
     Itchy skin
     Pain in bones/joints
    Fever/ Night Sweats
    swollen stomach or abdominal discomfort

     You Can Also Read: What is Cancer?


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